• Ansprechperson:

    M.Sc. Maria Victoria Gomez Gomez
    Dr. Volker Koch

  • Förderung:


  • Projektbeteiligte:

    CETEM: Centro Tecnológico del Mueble y la Madera de la Región de Murcia, Spain

    STP: Štajerski tehnološki park d.o.o., Slovenia

    CEIPES: Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell Educazione e lo Sviluppo, Italy

  • Starttermin:


  • Endtermin:


E3D+VET tool aims to be a sustainable open tool to support the teachers in educating students in 3D printing and different subjects using the 3D printing. It’ll also provide the teachers the necessary guides and tools to feed the software application in the future with own exercises and will make the educational centres do not necessary depend on their own 3D printers machines by using 3rd party services. The project will also take advantage of different face to face workshops to improve the intellectual outputs of the project.
