The Bios4You project aims to bridge the gap between the STEM national curricula icnluding the contents of Sience ,Technology , Engineering and Mathemathics and the needs of Z-generation students, apathetic/ uninterested to basic themes , but enthusiastic in concerns related to environmental , social and health issues.In this case, developing Bios4You methodology for school curriculum and setting up of the pedagogical scenarios for the design and creation of teaching/ learning modules is the main aim.
In respect to the aim , these sections had been foreseen :
- Methodological and didactic background
- Expected results and tools for evaluation and recognition of the learning outcomes.
- Formal description of the methodology and of the included modules-non-formal learning, self-produced e-learning modules, teamwork and team building , system engineering and project management
- Guidelines for actual application in different countries and sectors
- Requirement and guidelines for the methodology update and improvement, based on actual experiences and continuing, community-basd and the state of the art and benchmarking
- Participation and operation rules for community management platform
Based on the two stages :
- A practical exchanges of best practices, based on UNIPA experiences for the learning part and the KIT/KTU competences on the industrial and world of work link including the implementation of a first edition of multidiciplinary class at each partner site, accompained by Staff Mobility to experience hands-on the different actual applications and collaboration in the analysis and developement of methodology specifications
- The second one is the actual implementation of a unique distributed multidiciplinary cleass performed with heavy use of online collaboration tools.
The following activities have been done:
- Analysing national STEM curricula for school students from 14-18 years old
- Specifying pedagogical requirements for the Bios4You educational material
- Producng Bios4You methodology and tools creation based on active learning innovative methodology for school curricula.