Project title:

HU-VOLUTION,  Human-centric revolution of the habitat: learning to design for the new Bauhaus and Society 5.0

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HU-VOLUTION aims to bring European universities up to date for up/reskilling designers of the habitat sector with the necessary competences to initiate a successful transition for the New European Bauhaus and the Society 5.0, towards a more sustainable, aesthetic, and inclusive places. To pursue this goal, HU-VOLUTION aims to support HE organisations to equip designers with the necessary skills to design more sustainable, aesthetic and inclusive spaces, aligned with the NEB. For that reason, results of HU-VOLUTION will define the necessary learning outcomes and design a Joint Curriculum to launch an innovative lifelong learning for HE organisations, that better meet labour market and society needs. It will be achieved through the implementation of an innovative online course, that will include creative and innovative resources, such as digital games, quizzes, exercises, and self-assessments

Jobs of tomorrow require skills for the twin green and digital transition, as it is set on the European Skills Agenda; aligned with the EU priorities set in the European Green Deal, the Digital Education Action Plan and the Recommendation on learning for environmental sustainability.

To address all these policies and priorities HU-VOLUTION will use digital technologies to foster green skills to enable behavioural changes for individual and society. These points will be tackled with the different expected project results. On the one hand, HE organisations will have a complete Joint Curriculum, training resources and a guide to implement their own training on human-centre design, in line with the NEB and Society5.0 principles; while on the other hand, HU- VOLUTION will boost the digital transformation of HE, offering an innovation online training, boosting the use of such technologies in education and the necessary teachers ́ skills on digital pedagogy.

HU-VOLUTION project constitutes a perfect opportunity to foster European HE system to bring an added value to the society, preparing future professionals to design more beautiful, sustainable and inclusive spaces where we life, while at the same time promoting lifelong learning on green skills through the use of digital educative approaches.


The main objective of HU-VOLUTION is to bring European universities up to date for up/reskilling designers of the habitat sector with the necessary competences to initiate a successful transition for the new European Bauhaus (NEB) and the Society 5.0, towards a more sustainable, aesthetic, and inclusive places where we live.

To achieve it, the SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES of the project are the following:

SO1. Awareness European society and HE system about the necessity of a human-centric approach on habitat design to address current world challenges expressed in the NEB.

SO2. Define the necessary competencies and skills for designers towards more sustainable, aesthetic and inclusive places, aligned with the NEB initiative for the Society5.0; and gather it in a Joint Curriculum tailored for HE organisations.

SO3. Launch a pioneer training resource, free and open to any HE organization and their past/current/future students, on the three key aspects to achieve the principles of the NEB and Society 5.0: life-centric perspective, functionality and sustainability.

SO4. Give support to European universities to adapt their current training offer to up/reskill their students for the future habitat design, through lifelong learning courses based on the developed materials.

SO5. Break borderlines among industry and HE system, creating common methods and skills that will allow to increase the quality of both the HE offer and the industry performance, and to build capacity to work transnationally and across sectors.



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