Titel Ansprechpartner Kurzbeschreibung

3D Printing in VET aims to introduce the use of 3D Printers in Vocational Education and Training in Europe. In order to introduce the 3D printers in vocational schools and institutes in partners countries, the project consortium will explore the status quo on training structures in different EU countries and develop a highly innovative, internationally competitive training programme on 3D printing use.


Multiplyer Event 09/2021

Pilot Training 09/2021

The Alliance of Centres of Vocational Excellence in the Wood Sector (ALLVIEWS) objectives are:

  • Strengthen quality assurance of new curricula related with the furniture and wood industry involving sectoral representatives in the process.
  • Speed-up qualification development
  • Simpler skills matching (Dual learning, Apprenticeship)
  • Better careers information raising attractiveness of VET
  • Clearer secondary school pathways
  • Greater access for disadvantaged Europeans.
  • Accreditation of new curricula
  • Ensure effective impact of the activities at governmental level

AUREA4RURAL aims to create an innovative digital augmented reality platform (Smartphone APP) for the rural tourism sector along with training materials according to the tasks of the staff working in these sector: managers of Natural Parks, rural hotels, restaurants, companies providing leisure activities, culture or environment departments from rural towns and villages and visitors. AURea4RURAL will enhance opportunities for cooperation between VET and economic actors, boosting initiatives among stakeholders and the transfer of knowledge in these sectors.

AURE4RURAL project

Im Projekt "Akustische Raumwahrnehmung" wird untersucht, inwieweit die gezielte und gesteuerte Sonifizierung akustischer Merkmale die Erlebbarkeit von noch nicht vorhandenen oder nicht zugänglichen architektonischen Komplexen verbessert werden kann. Diese Erweiterung der Architekturdarstellung ergänzt die bisher üblich rein visuelle Vermittlung von Architektur um akustische Elemente und erlaubt dadurch insbesondere sehgeschädigten Menschen Orientierung, Erleben und Navigation in Gebäuden. Die prototypische Umsetzung dieses Ansatzes erfolgte durch die Bereitstellung räumlich bedeutsamer akustister Parameter in einem Surround-System und deren Überprüfung und Bewertung durch sehgeschädigte Wissenschaftler am Studienzentrum für Sehgeschädigte am KIT.

Kombinierte audio-haptische Unterstützung in der räumlichen Navigation von Sehgeschädigten

The Bios4You project aims to bridge the gap between the STEM national curricula icnluding the contents of Sience ,Technology , Engineering and Mathemathics and the needs of Z-generation students, apathetic/ uninterested to basic themes , but enthusiastic in concerns related to environmental , social and health issues.In this case, developing Bios4You methodology for school curriculum and setting up of the pedagogical scenarios for the design and creation of teaching/ learning modules is the main aim.

In respect to the aim , these sections had been foreseen :

  • Methodological and didactic background
  • Expected results and tools for evaluation and recognition of the learning outcomes.
  • Formal description of the methodology and of the included modules-non-formal learning, self-produced e-learning modules, teamwork and team building , system engineering and project management
  • Guidelines for actual application in different countries and sectors
  • Requirement and guidelines for the methodology update and improvement, based on actual experiences and continuing, community-basd and the state of the art and benchmarking
  • Participation and operation rules for community management platform

Based on the two stages :

  • A practical exchanges of best practices, based on UNIPA experiences for the learning part and the KIT/KTU competences on the industrial and world of work link including the implementation of a first edition of multidiciplinary class at each partner site, accompained by Staff Mobility to experience hands-on the different actual applications and collaboration in the analysis and developement of methodology specifications
  • The second one is the actual implementation of a unique distributed multidiciplinary cleass performed with heavy use of online collaboration tools.

The following activities have been done:

  • Analysing national STEM curricula for school students from 14-18 years old
  • Specifying pedagogical requirements for the Bios4You educational material
  • Producng Bios4You methodology and tools creation based on active learning innovative methodology for school curricula.


The main objectives of the Bios4You AR 2.0 project is to sensitise young students to STEM issues related to Bio-Sciences, Bio-Engineering, Bio-Architecture, Bio-Technology, Bio-Photonics, etc and create innovative educational materials thanks to the use of new AR technologies in such a way as to make all much more engaging both from the point of view of learning and teaching by teachers.

Implementation: What activities are you going to implement?

The activities of the project that will be implemented are:
- Development of methodologies and guidelines for using AR technology in STEM education with Gamifying content.
- Updating existing units with AR exercises, creating 42 new units in English incorporating AR and gamification, and testing the units in schools through organised LTTAs.
- Organisation and implementation of 4 international webinars to present project results and promote the use of the methodology among a wider school network.

Softwaresteuerung über ein Brain Computer Interface am Beispiel emotiv und sketchup

Dezentrale CNC gesteuerte Unikatfertigung für individuelle, ressourcensparende, zeit- und kostenoptimierte Bauabläufe


Training material for developing 3D printers. EU-Programme Erasmus+, Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

E3d+ project

E3D+VET tool aims to be a sustainable open tool to support the teachers in educating students in 3D printing and different subjects using the 3D printing. It’ll also provide the teachers the necessary guides and tools to feed the software application in the future with own exercises and will make the educational centres do not necessary depend on their own 3D printers machines by using 3rd party services. The project will also take advantage of different face to face workshops to improve the intellectual outputs of the project.


The main aim of ESSENSE is to develop and implement a common curriculum and learning approach on BIM towards the design, construction and management of public and private environments for older adults that will meet the learning needs of Higher Education students that will be relevant to the labour market and societal needs. This will address the topics BIM, smart housing and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) principles and their interaction. 

ESSENSE project

The aim of FURN360 is to develop and implement a common curriculum and training content focused in the office and contract furniture sectors for implementing strategies able to ease the transition to a circular model and therefore:

  • Design towards life cycle.
  • New services/departments that can be created (maintenance, spare components, etc.).
  • New business models and opportunities that Circular Economy can bring to the sector: B2B (hotel and catering, private hospitals, clinics etc.), B2G (Governments) or even C2C (sharing platforms).

FURN360 project

The crisis triggered by the Corona pandemic has clearly shown european countries the importance of the competent use of digital tools and communication media for our society. Due to the required social distancing, virtual communication channels, such as video conferences, synchronous and asynchronous cooperation, have gained enormously in importance and are crucial for the social integration of people in times of crisis.

A large proportion of people living in Europe can handle these tools well and already use them in profession and private lives. However, one group of the population particularly affected by the effects of the Corona crisis remains excluded from modern digital communication channels: old and very old people are often not able to use the current media and communication channels to a sufficient extent.These circumstances have fatal consequences for the integration of this group into society, especially in times of enforced quarantine and social distancing. They continue to become lonely and lose contact to their relatives and society in general.

There are 3 main reasons for this:

1. digital tools and media are not adapted to the special needs of the elderly.

2. there are insufficient training programmes for very old people, which could introduce and enable them to use digital tools and media

3. teachers are not well enough trained in the didactic requirements for training very old people

GANYMED reacts to this situation and postulates that this deficit is best addressed by better training of teachers. Therefore GANYMED develops and evaluates didactic systems, contents and structures for teachers in the age-appropriate education of very old people in the field of digital communication and media using the methods of geragogy (science of education in old age). The materials and didactic concepts created are intended to enable teachers to convey the dynamic content and potential of digital media and communication in an age-appropriate manner on a well-founded basis, thus enabling the 70+ generation to participate in digitization. The project results will be spread by GANYMED community platform and will be distributed in Europe as Open Education Resources. The project results can then make a valuable contribution to the integration of the 70+ generation in society in times of crisis and beyond.

GIST(Fostering diGitalisation and bIonic transformation of SMEs through the development of a novel and innovative Training material for overcoming COVID-19 crisis) develops and implements a common curriculum and learning to achieve the basic competences for SMEs to reach the status of bionic enterprise. The training material will be focused on companies in the furniture sectors and related ones, where the Industry 4.0 have not entered massively due to low capacities of change in the pro-duction process of this kind of firms.

Gestengesteuerte Mensch-Maschine Interaktion für Architekten auf Grundlage kostengünstiger Trackingsysteme

The HU-VOLUTION project engages with the important topic of establishing a ‘New European Bauhaus’  as the paradigm for the design of new, more sustainable living spaces. The project is concerned with implementation at higher education institutions. The project intends to use digital tools on the one hand and joint curricula, teaching guidelines and resources on the other to create the various aspects of the NEB. The project aims to develop a skills model for the topic, courses and learning materials and a training platform.

Haptische Vermittlung von Gemälden für Sehgeschädigte und Blinde

Im Rahmen des Projekts wurde ein Prototyp entwickelt, mit dem virtuelle Objekte haptisch-visuell
dargestellt und mit Hilfe von Gestenerkennung manipuliert werden kann. Für die visuelle Darstellung wird
 das Head-mounted Display Oculus Rift verwendet und mit einem ein Leapmotion Controller zur Gestenerkennung kombiniert. Das haptische Feedback wir durch die Modifikation von Handschuhen mit handelsüblichen Vibrationsmotoren konzipiert und umgesetzt. Die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Anordnung wurde hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung zur Darstellung und Interaktion von Sehgeschädigten mit virtuellen Objekten evaluiert.


Kombiniertes 3D-Druckverfahren zur kosten- und zeiteffektiven Produktion von Prototypen

The aim of the project is to design, develop and recognize a Joint Curricula for filling the skills gaps in Industry 4.0 related technologies and topics for production managers and CEOs of the wood and furniture industry:
• Equipping CEOs and production managers with the right skills for the digitalization of their  factories to change them into factories of the future that will improve  the conditions for quality job creation. It will be performed by promoting better anticipation of ICT skills needs and develop better alignment between skills and labour market needs.
• To create a complete training path guide for the development of smart furniture factories of the future dividing  the major areas of knowledge in 300 video pills within 3 minutes duration together with gamification techniques to encourage the completion of  the training course.
IN4WOOD project

INTRUST develops green skills strategies for the wood and furniture sector, specifically about how to achieve ecolabels and pass green certifications. The learners will become leaders of the green change not only by supporting the enterprises in achieving those labels but also raising awareness about the benefits for those companies. It will support the digital transformation of enterprises of the forestry and wood sector by developing brand new training units about Industry 4.0 solutions applied to the value chain. The project will target Higher Education and VET tertiary level students that will be able to apply those solutions in those companies and will allow those staff to achieve a digital mindset to undertake the digital transformation of the enterprises.

Immersiver Erlebnisraum für virtuelle Architekturen

Outdoor Flying Augmented Reality Anwendungen in städtebaulichen Planungssituationen. 
Ziel des Projekts ist die Entwicklung einer Lichtmarkertechnologie, die eine eindeutige Detektion charakteristischer Punkte eines künftigen Gebäudes ermöglicht und auf mobilen Endgeräten (Smartphones, Tablets) die richtungs- und neigungsgerechte visuelle Darstellung eines geplanten Gebäudes als Augemted Reality Anwendung ernöglicht. Die Marker werden dazu am Boden oder an existierenden Gebäudeecken positioniert und leuchten mit schnell wechselnden RGB-Farben. Diese werden im Videostream detektiert und zur RIchtungs- und Neigungsbestimmung des virtuellen Gebäudes herangezogen.



MAKING 4.0 aims to establish a European-Asian collaborative consortium in order to develop an innovative curriculum to modernize the current training offer, around Industry 4.0, in the countries of Malaysia and Sri Lanka that will allow on the one hand to improve the sustainability of the industry in each of the countries, and on the other to strengthen ways of collaboration and development between European and Asian universities.

MAKING 4.0 project

SAMANTHA project wants to anticipate with this up/reskilling strategy, especially in VET (Vocational Education Training) field because the current European VET offer has to respond to such challenges and take advantage of great opportunities ahead as the gap that exists in the Toolmaking and Habitat sector. For this reason, SAMANTHA aims to develop a novel training program addressing the mismatched high-tech T-shaped skills for proper implementation of AM in the value chains  f such sectors through high qualified workers.sector. For this reason, SAMANTHA aims to develop a novel training program addressing the mismatched high-tech T-shaped skills for proper implementation of AM in the value chains of such sectors through high qualified workers.

Samantha Pilot Training Report

TOURINGS - Innovative Training Solution for the Installation of Collaborative Robotics in Manufacturing Sectors - considers different features of Collaborative Robotics; technical aspects, human-robot interaction, installation in the assembly line or robot design aspects. Collaborative Robotics make assembly lines more flexible, but it is important to install them without disrupting the balance of the production line. TOURINGS will address cycle times and process reengineering in the assembly line, it will cover ergonomics assessment of the human-robot interaction by following the ISO/TS 15066, Human Digital models and Human Digital Simulations along with the RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment) method. The project will also cover technical aspects in different robots' module and behaviour design or workstation design. 
TOURINGS consists of six entities covering Higher Education and Vocational Education and Traning institutions, Research Centres and a National Standardisation Body, introducing different expertise related to Collaborative Robotics, teaching, human resources management, assembly line management, ICT tools and Project Management. This collaboration is addressed to significant labour and societal challenges like work-related musculoeskeletal disorders (WMSDs) or lack of knowledge of human-robot interaction


Supporting the twin digital and green transition on the manufacturing and traditional industry sectors through innovative VET resources.

Project Reference:

The TwinRevolution project supports Vocational Education and Training (VET) learners from the textile and furniture industries on their twin transition journey. By improving their digital and green skills, the project wishes to prepare professionals from both industries to meet the requirements of a sustainable, circular, and digitally enabled industry.

The TwinRevolution project will develop the following results:

  • BLUEPRINT ON TWIN TRANSITION IN THE MANUFACTURING SECTOR: The Blueprint will bridge key enabling technologies with circular strategies to be implemented in textile and furniture industries; compile and analyse European policies that influence the twin transition and the current approach in VET offer, and define the necessary learning outcomes to reskill the current and future workforce.
  • JOINT CURRICULUM ON TWIN TRANSITION IN THE MANUFACTURING SECTOR which will define the necessary learning paths to ensure knowledge acquisition, grouping key skills and competences into a set of training modules and units.
  • PORTFOLIO OF TRAINING MATERIALS ON THE TWIN TRANSITION FOR THE MANUFACTURING SECTOR. These online materials will be defined and developed to cover the knowledge gap for a successful green and digital transition.
  • DEDICATED E-LEARNING PLATFORM, which will host the learning materials.

Das Vorhaben untersucht grundlegende Fragen zur geometrisch-semantischen Ausprägung von virtuellen Räumen. Diese Fragen resultieren aus den in der Corona-Pandemie gemachten Beobachtungen, dass virtuelle Arbeitsumgebungen sich etablieren und bisher keine grundlegenden Untersuchungen zum Aufbau und der Struktur mehrdimensionaler virtueller Arbeitsräume hinsichtlich ihrer Anforderungen an Wahrnehmungspsychologie, Effizienz und Akzeptanz vorliegen.

Die Auswirkungen der Pandemie verändern die Arbeits- und Lebenswelten der Gesellschaft grundlegend. Sie hat offengelegt, in welchen Bereichen unsere Gesellschaft Schwachstellen hinsichtlich Digitalisierung und virtuellen Arbeitsumgebungen aufweist. Diese Unzulänglichkeiten betreffen nicht nur die Leistungsfähigkeit der zur Verfügung stehenden Infrastrukturen und deren flächendeckenden Durchdringung, sondern auch deren ungenügende Akzeptanz in der Gesellschaft. Das Vorhaben fokussiert diesen Aspekt und geht dabei von folgenden Annahmen aus:

  • Die verfügbaren virtuellen Arbeitsumgebungen orientieren sich an der Nachbildung von real gebauten Arbeitsumgebungen.
  • Die Aufstellung dreidimensionaler virtueller Räumlichkeiten bildet unreflektiert ausschließlich reale Vorbilder ab.
  • Dabei wird vernachlässigt, dass virtuelle Arbeitsumgebungen andere Anforderungen an ihre räumliche Organisation und deren Anordnung aufweisen können und müssen.
  • Durch das reine Nachahmen und  Übertragen von realen Metaphern in virtuelle Arbeitsumgebungen werden die Potentiale virtueller Welten nicht genutzt.
  • Die aktuell verfügbaren Untersuchungen zur Architekturwahrnehmung adressieren ausschließlich reale Gebäude und Räume.

Während in der klassischen Architekturtheorie die Mechanismen der Raumwahrnehmung bekannt sind und in der gebauten Umwelt umgesetzt werden, sind wahrnehmungspsychologische Aspekte in virtuellen Architekturen weitgehend unbekannt und wenig untersucht. Das Vorhaben widmet sich dieser Fragestellung und erstellt damit Grundlagen für eine fundierte Entwicklung barrierefreier virtueller Räume und deren interaktiven Nutzung auf Basis wahrnehmungspsychologischer Erkenntnisse bereit.